We seek to equip people with skills, a tool kit,
to find more Balance and Happiness in Life.
Mindfulness is a skill set which, when regularly practiced, allows us to hold and employ our attention in the present moment more skillfully. Mindfulness is a state of regulated attention trained on immediate, present moment experience with an orientation of curiosity, openness and acceptance, regardless of the pleasant or unpleasant nature of the experience. Mindfulness training teaches us to be keenly aware of the present moment, acknowledging and accepting the realities of the moment, without getting inextricably tangled in unhelpful thoughts, reactions, judgments, criticisms or evaluations. Mindfulness allows us to experience what is going on around us and within us, as it is happening, without resistance or paralysis.
what we do
Find out about The Healing Tree Project,
mindfulness, and the benefits of practice.
Bethany crawley still
Mindfulness practitioner and facilitator, yoga instructor, founder of
The Healing Tree Project.